Big Luck at 35: The Best Time for Change

AT BEST BIG CHANGE 2024-02-03 65


As we reach the ages of 35 to 45, we often experience a shift in our fortunes. This is the time when it is best to embrace change and seek out new opportunities. If we are too hasty in seeking our big break, we may become arrogant and miss out on valuable lessons. On the other hand, if we wait too long, we may not have the time to truly enjoy the fruits of our labor. If luck does come our way and brings us riches, it is important to always remember our humble beginnings. We should never forget the days when we struggled and faced hardships, as well as the importance of helping others who are still going through similar challenges.

Lately, I have found comfort in the phrase "allow everything to happen". It serves as a reminder that we cannot control everything that life throws at us. Instead of fighting against the inevitable, it is wiser to let go and move forward. True strength lies in accepting the impermanence of the world, including failure, powerlessness, and our own imperfections. By accepting these truths, we can find the courage to overcome adversity and continue on our journey.

When we find ourselves in a rut and facing misfortune, it often signals that a turning point is on the horizon. The best things in life often come after periods of suffering. It is important to remember that everything will ultimately improve, and that brighter days are ahead.
