Beware of Online Scams

2024-02-04 77


Media often reports on unfortunate individuals who have fallen victim to telecom fraud, losing hundreds of thousands of yuan. Surprisingly, these victims have been scammed multiple times by the same perpetrators. Similarly, university professors have been drawn into illegal fundraising schemes, only to be deceived again by another investment project, resulting in the loss of their life savings. These online scams and illegal fundraising activities are widespread, affecting countless individuals. One might wonder if the victims' intelligence has been compromised, as they continue to fall for the same scams multiple times. However, before feeling superior, it's important to recognize the similarities between these scams and those within the cryptocurrency community, such as ICOs, inscriptions, and NFT scams. Many individuals within the cryptocurrency sphere have also fallen victim to repeated scams, whether through private equity, NFTs, or inscriptions. It's crucial to acknowledge the potential for deception and carefully assess our own vulnerability to such schemes.