Disappointed Bearish Leeks

2024-02-04 85


There is a certain subgroup within the cryptocurrency community known as the "old leeks," who have weathered the ups and downs of the market with their skilled trading techniques. For them, trading is not just a hobby, but a means of providing for their families.

The devastating crash of Bitcoin on March 13, 2020, wiped out the bullish army, leaving only the bearish survivors. However, even they were hesitant to open short positions due to the drastic nature of the fall. Little did they know that in just a month, Bitcoin would double in value to $7,000, and then double again to $10,000 within two months.

As the epidemic spread, many of the bullish army who had profited from the low point closed their positions and left the market, but the bearish survivors were prepared to make another move. They anticipated a significant drop in price before the market would rise again, but were caught off guard when Bitcoin continued to rise to $12,500 and beyond in just five months.

During this time, the bearish traders added more margin to their positions, borrowing money to do so, in an attempt to hold off the rising market. However, they ultimately couldn't withstand the bull market's massive surge, and most of the old leeks of the bearish army ended up bursting their positions and losing everything.

For those who had been just trying to survive and provide for their families, this was a devastating blow, and many vanished from the market in the wake of this turbulent period.
