
Mysten Labs 推出自动扩容技术Pilotfish

Mysten Labs 推出自动扩容技术Pilotfish

火币HTX报道,Mysten Labs宣布在Sui上推出自动扩容技术Pilotfish,使单个验证器能够使用多台机器,可提高Sui网络的吞吐量。Mysten Labs表示,目前Pilotfish是一个概念验证,在下一次迭代中,计划实现和测试...

LABS SUI 2024-03-20 41

Sygnum代表Matter Labs向Fidelity的机

Sygnum代表Matter Labs向Fidelity的机


LABS MATTER 2024-03-19 58

BSV跌至80 USDT,自法官裁定Craig Wright

BSV跌至80 USDT,自法官裁定Craig Wright

火币HTX报道,行情显示BSV今日触80.4 USDT低点,现报81.82 USDT,自3月14日英国法官裁定Craig Wright不是中本聪后跌幅已近30%,过去14日跌幅达到33.9%。...

BSV USDT 2024-03-17 62

OP Labs将于3月19日升级OPSepolia测试

OP Labs将于3月19日升级OPSepolia测试


LABS OP 2024-03-16 52

BSC launches BEP

BSC launches BEP


BASED 2024-03-13 74

Gnosis Chain Launches Blobs Ah

Gnosis Chain Launches Blobs Ah


chain 2024-03-12 95

Oneness Labs completes US$4 mi

Oneness Labs completes US$4 mi

BTC Layer2 development company Oneness Labs announced the completion of a $4 million seed round of financing, with game ...

IN 2024-03-12 67